Monday, September 19, 2011

We began Unit 4: Soil/Rocks today. Ask your child about the Bill Nye DVDs we watch.  Study these vocabulary words nightly, we will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday. Our Unit 4 test will be next Friday, September 30th, just in time to be finished before fall break!
Science Earth: Soil/Rocks Vocabulary Words:
1. soil- earth material made up of weathered rock, humus, water, and air
2. rock- earth material made up of one or more minerals
3. igneous-type of rock formed from magma or lava that cools and hardens
4. sedimentary- type of rock formed  when layers of sediment compact and cement
5. metamorphic- type of rock formed from heat and pressure
6. rock cycle- when one rocks turns into another rock
7. fossil- preserved clue to the past
8. crust- outer earth layer that we walk on
9. mantle- middle, thickest earth layer
10. core-center layer of earth